Childbirth classes in English

Congratulations on the pregnancy! A special and exciting time for you both, especially with the delivery in anticipation. Maybe you are also worrying about the labour:

  • What to expect?
  • How to cope with contractions and pain?
  • How can my partner support and help during labour?
  • How can we prepare for the birth of our baby together?
  • Is there a class in English instead of Dutch?

Lytse Pop can help you: the Childbirth Classes in English prepares you both in an informative and practical way. You will learn all the what’s and why’s about pregnancy and labour. You will learn and practice different breathing techniques, as well. The partner will be prepared as coach and support. In a relative short time you are well prepared as a team: giving birth with confidence.

Zwangere buikQuote: "For both of us it was great and really really helpful to have these hours with you, we both feel much more confident now about this incredible event to come. Thanks for everything!" Nina & Pete, birthclass in English

Subjects Birth Class

anatomy ● hormones ● how to cope with painstages of childbirth ● instrumental delivery (vacuum, C-section) ● initial contact with the baby ● post-partum period ●

 various breathing techniques ● positions for labour  ● pushing technique

Extra subjects to your preference (6 hours in total only)
partner learns to give an excellent massage ● massage options during labour ●
breastfeeding and/or formula feeding

⇒ You can indicate your preference on the sign up form. 

Prices and sign up

Private Birth Class in English
Two 2-hour lessons €312 | Two 3-hour lessons €468 | At my practice in Leeuwarden | Also possible at your home, then travel fee* is charged | Check with your health insurance(s) for possible partial or full reimbursement of the birth class |

Private Refresher Course (second or following baby)
One 2-hour lesson €170 | One 3-hour lesson €240 | At my practice in Leeuwarden | Also possible at your home, then travel fee* is charged | Check with your health insurance(s) for possible partial or full reimbursement of the birth class |

*Travel fee: €0,23 p/km and a fixed rate per lesson of €5 up to 10 km / €10 up to 25 km / €15 up to 35 km / larger distances in consultation.